ミニマムなデザインを軸に、洗練された日常着を求めて1998年 に『SOPH.』スタート。
サープラスの用途に忠実なディテールや、アウトドアの機能を追求した素材などに着目し、 その高い機能性を最上級の素材と共に日常着に落とし込んだ “都市生活者の為の快適なリアルクローズ” を展開、ブランドスタートから多くの支持を受ける。
In 1998, SOPH. was conceptualised with a strong design aesthetic to create the sophisticated daily wear. The brand name was later replaced with SOPHNET. in 2002.
Drawing inspiration from outdoor functionality in materials and details observed in surplus wear, the collection incorporates functionality and comfort of superior fabrics, engineered for modern urbanites.
Art and culture are the foundation of their brand ethos, collaborating with international contemporary artists such as Tatsuo Miyajima, Julian Opie and Jack Pearson amongst the others.
More than two decades later, SOPHNET. establishes itself as a leading Japanese menswear name, continuing to thrive on a culture where challenging the status quo is encouraged.